For me the challenge has always been to find the balance between my family and work and my commitment to supporting sane policies that affect our communities. Moving to New York State in 1981 brought me into working with NOFA/NY and supporting the organic community. There I met David Stern and we found that one thing we had in common was garlic. The Garlic Seed Foundation was just starting up and I happily joined up to connect with this notorious group of stinkers! The first few issues of the press were out then and I began to send in letters and articles and by about 1985 I took over as editor. Many issues have come and gone since then.

I've been growing garlic for twenty years and I am trying to maintain a small collection of garlics that do well in the northeast. I have tried to level off at about 100 strains per year and no more than 10.000 row feet. I found that the quality suffered if I got too much bigger and my time became too compromised. I have even been planting a bit less quantity in order to work on quality while keeping the soil productive as well as chemically free.

As far as The Garlic Press goes we are always asking for our members to send in articles, photos, slides of their operation, suggestions and about anything else! We are continuing to collect recipes for a cookbook and trying to keep on the cutting edge of research with the emergence of true seed, new and improved methods of storage and a plethora of cultural strategies that we find work for some areas of the country but not necessarily others. Two of us do the bulk of the work and for this reason we are not often timely but our commitment has continued to provide an education in growing and enjoying garlic.

We want to see more garlic growers and more garlic festivals. We have found that teaching one another and sharing is the most effective way to learn. Try a garlic pot luck and you will find it to be an experience you will often repeat. We require a commitment to being not exclusive in our venture but inclusive of all. We know everyone has a story and if yours is about garlic we want to hear it and share it as well. As always , if we can improve in any way or help you out that is why we are here. Enjoy garlic…for it is life!

David Stern, Director  |  Bob Dunkel, Press Editor

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