Garlic Farmers' Cook Book

The Garlic Faremers' Cookbook

The Garlic Farmers' Cookbook

Prepared, written and compiled by Khurshed Bhumgara, 2012 © The Garlic Seed Foundation

  • 126 pages
  • 8.5 X 11"

Solution Graphics


Non-Members: $20 each Special introductary price includes shipping and handling.


GSF Member (Discount Pricing): $18 each Special introductary price includes shipping and handling.

Quantity Discount for 5 or More: $12 each Contact us for orders. Price does not include shipping and handling.

Wholesale: Contact us for wholesale pricing and sales. Minimum order 30 books.



A Day without Garlic is a Day without Sunshine

DEDICATION: To our grandfathers, who grew the first garlic we ate, and to our grandmothers, who taught us its flavors and values.

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THANK YOU FOR SENDING IN YOUR RECIPES! We want to thank everyone who contributed a recipe, photo, art work, idea, or encouragement.

Throughout the years we’ve had two major contributors. Paula Simmons Green, from the Washington State-British Columbia border, has been a member and contributor for over 20 years. Hardly a Press was printed without an offering from Paula and for 20 years she’s pushed us to put this cookbook together. I cannot, as I jot these notes, help think about her encouraging letters or phone calls. I can only hope that she’ll be satisfied with our efforts. We cannot thank her enough. Each of Paula’s contributions is designated with a “PSG.”

Secondly, we very graciously thank Ted Maczka, the Fish Lake Garlic Man from Ontario, Canada, who’s been preaching the garlic gospel for 50 years. Fish Lake is on Prince Edward Island and the location of the research station. Ted’s field work and years of documentation have contributed to our knowledge of the production potential of the garlic. When Ted learned that we were putting this collection together, he contributed his favorites from our Canadian garlic-farming neighbors. We greatly appreciate Ted’s generous spirit in sharing knowledge, bad jokes, good ideas, thoughtful criticism, and incredible passion and respect for the garlic.


The Foundation’s first announcement for the "More Garlic Cookbook" was in 1994. We already had a small collection of recipes from potluck suppers, festivals, and members’ submissions to The Garlic Press. The collection grew from all directions, and by 1998 we had several hundred recipes – in all stages of organization, legibility and common sense – stuffed into a large brown binder.

We had a very nice and well-meaning retired couple who came forward to volunteer their time and computer to help type, organize and transcribe this great hodge-podge of material. But from that point and for the next seven years, this becomes a tragic tale with the original binder becoming the property of a contested estate, which lived for a year or two in a storage locker and traveled through several states.

When the binder returned to us in 2005, the original material was gone, but the recipes had been typed out; however, there was no order or consistency. Tragically, the names, farms and addresses of the contributors were gone, and they remain missing. The same is true for most of the photographs. Collectively, we thought what best to do and decided to move ahead and publish this cookbook, and as people identify their contributions, we shall add the names of the contributors as we reprint additional editions.

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